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“If you don’t like something, change it.
If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
Don’t complain.” – Maya Angelou

Life throws us curve balls every day.

We don’t know what is going to happen today, tomorrow or even in the next hour.

How we deal with life’s curve balls is the determining factor of being successful or unsuccessful.

But like Maya said, if you don’t like something, change it.

If something is not going right in your life, figure out how you can change it.

You are an active participate in your own life.

If there is no way around the inevitable situation, then change your mindset.

Actively work on your self-talk.

For example, ask yourself, “What is good about the situation?” you’ll be surprised how your outlook changes immediately.

You might just be surprised what you can accomplish when you stop complaining and foster a positive and proactive attitude.

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